1. Define the Problem
Write it! Refine & re-write it. Emotional conviction. WHO decides what the real problem is? (the people who said they had a problem) Get it right—be thorough.
Ex: Some people getting sick when drink milk. Is the problem “milk made people sick” or is it “people drank milk!?” Depends on point of view. Make sure you are clear on what is the problem! Have a group leader to make sure all get to talk and keep the group on track. One or more over nights may help—let subconscious work on it. Are you working with Symptom or Cause?
2. Criteria for Evaluating the Solution
Ex: “It must be practical, timely, acceptable, affordable.” Figure this out before you look for a solution. Figure this out BEFORE you look for a solution.
3. Brainstorm for Solutions
Be light about this, not heavy. No criticism! (it stifles creativity) rapidly write each one down. Later they can be discussed—but no discussion now. Let creativity flow!
4. Discuss the Possible Solutions Until Consensus Develops
Discuss it. Have a group leader to make sure all get to talk and keep the group on track. Does it meet the criteria earlier established?
5. State the Solution in Writing
Write it, edit it, until there is agreement that the solutions are good.
6. Develop Implementation Plan & Assign & Clarify Roles
a. What are the likely steps to activating the solution? List them!
b. Who will do what?
7. Develop a Plan for Monitoring the Implementation & Created Timeline
Determine who will encourage/enforce this step.