1. Are You a Self-Starter?
⃝ If someone gets me started, I keep going all right.
⃝ I do things my own way. Nobody needs to tell me to get going.
⃝ Easy does it. I don’t put myself out until I have to.
2. How Do You Feel About Other People?
⃝ Most people bug me.
⃝ I like people. I can get along with just about anybody.
⃝ I have enough friends and I don’t need anybody else.
3. Can You Lead Others?
⃝ I can get people to do things if I drive them.
⃝ I can get most people to go along with me without much difficulty.
⃝ I usually let someone else get things moving.
4. Can You Take Responsibility?
⃝ I’ll take over if I have to, but I’d rather let someone else be responsible.
⃝ There’s always some eager beaver around waiting to show off. I say, let him.
⃝ I like to take charge of and see things through.
5. How Good An Organizer Are You?
⃝ I like to have a plan before I start. I’m usually the one who lines things up.
⃝ I do all right unless things get too complicated. Then I may cop out.
⃝ I just take things as they come.
6. How Good a Worker Are You?
⃝ I can’t see that hard work gets you anywhere.
⃝ I’ll work hard for a time, but when I’ve had enough, that’s it.
⃝ I can keep going as long as necessary. I don’t mind working hard.
7. Can You Make Decisions?
⃝ I can if I have plenty of time. If I have to make up my mind fast, I usually regret it.
⃝ I can make up my mind in a hurry if necessary, and my decision is usually O.K.
⃝ I don’t like to be the one who decides things. I’d probably blow it.
8. Can People Trust What You Say?
⃝ I try to be on the level, but sometimes I just say what’s easiest.
⃝ They sure can. I don’t say things I don’t mean.
⃝ What’s the sweat if the other fellow doesn’t know the difference?
9. Can You Stick With It?
⃝ If I make up my mind to do something, I don’t let anything stop me.
⃝ If a job doesn’t go right, I turn off. Why beat your brains out?
⃝ I usually finish what I start.
10. Can You Keep Records?
⃝ Records are not important. I know what’s need to be known without keeping records.
⃝ I can, but it’s more important to get the work out than to shuffle numbers.
⃝ Since they are needed I’ll keep records even though I don’t want to.