The world is hungry for opportunity and hope! This quote offers an unpleasant but obvious look at how much of the world lives. “From North Africa to Afghanistan, from large countries like Egypt and Pakistan to small nations such as Yemen, unemployment and lack of prospects for a better life define daily existence for millions …” (Brinkley, 2014, Turner Publishing Company/Wiley General Trade, p 3) While we cannot bring everyone to America, we can, if we set our minds to it, take “America” to everyone else! That is, we can export the skills and information that play a large part in creating the opportunity and hope we enjoy in America. Prosperous countries can export the recipe for economic opportunity to the world. This “operator’s manual” is one such practical approach. And where enthusiastically undertaken, it will nourish the human spirit—it will bring hope!
The following may help paint a picture to stir the imagination. A real live example of exporting American optimism and know-how was accomplished in Iraq between 2006 and 2013 by Paul Brinkley and associates and written about in his book, War Front To Store Front, Brinkley, 2014. Admittedly over simplified, here is what happened. He, with business executives, investors and manufacturers, (from America and Iraq) lead the rebuilding of the economy of Iraq, put thousands of Iraqis back to work, reduced government welfare dependence, slashed corruption and put idled or unused resources to work, got the banking system functional, and created new productive trade
The deliberate aim was, after first surveying to see what was available in the way of resources—be it minerals in the ground or humans skilled and unskilled—to get the engines of industry and commerce rolling! It was to rebuild and in some cases, build, a productive and profitable economy that could sustain a good standard of living so the nation and its citizens could support themselves. Unfortunate turf-guarding squabbles in Washington, D. C., and foreign policy decisions at the highest level have made it impossible to protect and sustain the huge achievements of his economic rebuilding efforts. America pulled the plug and left. The toddling economy was still on wobbly legs and much of it did not survive what came after Brinkley and his able helpers were ordered out. It is unfortunate indeed that those able economy rebuilders were forced to stop their fruitful work!
But here is my point. We did see the rebuilding and its results in successful operation for almost seven years right up to the American pull out. It was working! The solution I offer is real and it is practical! It has already successfully been done! Brinkley and company did it!
It is not speculation, it actually happened! There is a way to export economic well-being and opportunity to any country in the world: smart and experienced business men like Brinkley and those he enrolled were able to find country specific resources, involve investors and technical experts and start growing a vigorous economy in all facets: raw materials, manufacturing, markets, trade relationships and services.
With previous business experience, and talented expertise brought in as needed, his team awakened and was steadily ending the post-invasion stagnation of the Iraqi economy. Eventually they worked in Afghanistan too. In areas where they worked, poverty decreased, shoppers once again crowded the streets and people returned to the shops and cafes. The Taliban found it hard to recruit in areas that were economically strong—a man could feed his family without having to go to work for the Taliban!
I dubbed their way of stimulating the economy and the resulting society changes it fostered, the “Brinkley Approach.” A sincere reader in a 3rd world country could read Brinkley’s book, mentally digest the themes, and put together a core group of three to five people who could spark the application of the Brinkley Approach in their country.
As I read Brinkley’s book, and saw the powerful results of the Brinkley Approach that lead to an obvious and measurable rise in the standard of living, I said, “wow! We could be doing this in every country around the world!” “We CAN export the recipe for hope!” Those wanting the recipe for economic opportunity used by a prosperous country do not need to go to the prosperous country! They can use the recipe for economic opportunity right where they are. If they do that, their fellow countrymen will owe them an unfathomable debt of gratitude.
I wrote the Recipe For Hope operator’s manual to encourage motivated readers to be the one(s) who read this book, then start the process—perhaps hold a first meeting with trusted friends of like mind. It will unfold from there.