I envision the Entrepreneur Discovery Program to be for recommended potential entrepreneurs currently living in poverty—ones outside the mainstream education and business system. Perhaps they have no, or very little, education and they live in substandard housing—perhaps a makeshift hut or shack. I sometimes think of them as the “barefoot poor.”
However, they must own, or have access to an electronic device such as a somewhat smart phone, an I-pad or tablet, or a computer with email capability. Perhaps the Field Agent who recommended the student, or a priest/minister, social worker, or friendly shop owner will allow a student to use their device. Why this requirement? Because that is the only way we can electronically receive and evaluate their homework (by folks trained to evaluate it) and communicate with them as necessary.
Also, it is the only way in our modern world they can interactively operate a business, connect with suppliers, promote themselves to potential buyers, see what the competition is doing, ask questions and have the support of other graduated students, etc. They don’t have to own the device, but to take the course, and to successfully operate a business after the course, they will need access to one and know how to, or learn quickly, to use it. The use of electronic communication GREATLY enhances the likelihood of economic success.
Others may not agree with either of these concepts. They are free to use my material anyway they can. If one is only conducti ng the program locally, they may wish to have the homework done by hand and not require students to have electronic devices.