During the 6 weekends of Training, the student will develop the additional confidence and skills to add to their natural “spark” to actually become an entrepreneur. The training activities include watching portions of selected videos, discussing relevant articles, strengthening individual leadership skills, and thoroughly digesting the Recipe for Hope model.

The Trainer uses a mix of lecture, group discussion, relevant stories, videos, role playing, brain-storming, goal setting, creative problem solving, internet searches, and classroom money making exercises all in an experiential manner to shape students into becoming skilled and motivated change makers ready to be entrepreneurs who start and maintain profitable businesses and in turn become economic developers to eradicate poverty in their community. Homework is assigned at end of each weekend. Students who successfully complete the assignments will be invited back the next weekend.

There are 6 core topics taught in the course. While the same 6 topics are taught at each level, they are taught at a new depth on each level. The learning is increasingly sophisticated and challenging at each new level. The students won’t be bored and their skill and insight will improve significantly with mastery of each new level. What the student learns in a new level builds upon what they learned in a lower level. They move from basic skills to advanced skills as they progress up through the 5 levels.

Here are some of the areas to be covered: how to select the right microbusiness for you, researching your market, developing new markets, write a business plan, grow food, bookkeeping, handling money, public speaking, water collection and purification, write a report and write an ad, computer skills, and personal traits needed for success. The homework is designed to demonstrate level of mastery of the topics and to give the student hands-on practice at applying the skills.

Many will begin the program and attend the first class. Depending on natural aptitude for being an entrepreneur, and degree of motivation and ability to work hard, some will not finish the course. Several or many may drop out. My estimate is, 30-35% qualify to come back for 2nd level class; then 50% of that number will likely qualify to return for the 3rd level class. Then for the 4th and 5th level classes the percent is higher for returning number. Probably 75% to 85% or more at the higher levels will qualify to come back. Applying these percentages: we start with 100, drop to 30, then drop to 15, then 12. That means 12 out of the original 100 completed the course.

For example, if you want to end up with 100 highly motivated entrepreneurs, start with 800 at the bottom level, and end up with approximately 96 completing the 6th Level. Good. Now we have 96 very motivated new entrepreneurs! The material for the course, conducted in 6 sequential classes, will be straight forward and well prepared. Skills and concepts are laid out sequentially, and presented in a way that reinforces previously learned skills and concepts.

Students become more and more motivated to do well as they advance through the levels. With increased motivation to succeed, participating in the class becomes more significant for them. The classroom experience is also more fun for them. The students connect more deeply with each other. Bonds of respect and bonds of friendship will be formed between students that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. Entrepreneurs have been discovered and given basic training. They are ready to go to work to develop microbusinesses that will strengthen their local economy.
