Lesson Plan
- Worksheet “Quick Analysis”. Teacher lead discussion and explanation
- Business Plan
- Mission
- Objectives
- Financial Plan
Quick Analysis
Example: To earn money for my family while providing service to my community.
- You can have 2, 3 or 4 objectives.
- What do you want to happen? (See examples.)
Example: My customers will be very satisfied with the service I give.
Example: I will build the business to have $3,000 USD a month gross profit.
Example: I will supply easy-to-install auto parts. I will stock frequently sold items, lesser used items I will order.
Example: Sell chickens to people in my community for butchering.
- Where and how will you get the money?
- What is the market, or demand, for your goods or services?
(this is a general statement about the size and money characteristics of your market.)
Include your QUICK ANALYSIS here, even though the details may be reported elsewhere.
- Start-up costs (What will it cost to get what you need in order to get started?)
Example: Gas generator $ 325
Gasoline, 5 gallons $ 25
Basic inventory $ 95
Total $ 445 USD
- Basic Operations
Example: Buy baby chicks and raise, then sell. Sell adult chickens at $3.25 USD each and sell 5 a day. Costs for 24 chicks is $10.00 USD, and I will need three bags of food at $15 a bag to get them to the size to sell for butchering.
- Funding
Example: I need $280 USD to start. I will borrow $40 USD from my aunt and put in $40 myself. I will ask 4 other people to each lend me $50. Total = $280. I will use at least half of it for re-stocking inventory and saving for emergencies and the other half, if needed, I can use as “take home pay” to help with family living expenses.
- Business Plans, Supplemental Questions
- China adopts Capitalism
- Commerce is the Mother’s Milk of OPPORTUNITY and HOPE
- Free Enterprise, A Primer On
- KickStart, Martin Fisher
- Measured Business Plan Implementation
- Rule of Law
- Start-Up Investment, Small!
- Steps To Prosperity
- EXPRESSIONS Benefit of Democracy
Student will submit a business plans as was taught in class (practice facilitates integration).
*assigned at the end of the weekend.