
Lesson Plan

  • Microbusiness: teacher asks questions & leads discussion to introduce idea of microbusinesses.
  • Worksheet “decide which one”
  • Discussion: use worksheet, students evaluate (teacher feedback) various potential microbusinesses they suggest
  • Introduce worksheet “Quick Analysis”. Practice it in class with teacher feedback

Decide Which One?

Decide Which One

On the left side of the chart, under the large letter “Q”, are the four questions one must ask when they think of an idea for a micro business.

  • Do you like it?
  • Will it make a profit?
  • Will it work in your area?
  • Do you have the means available to bring it into being?

Slanted diagonally across the top of the table are various ideas to be evaluated by asking the four questions. Keep track of your ideas, and put an “x’ in the box if the answer to the question is “YES”. The ideas given here, from left to right, are: water, chickens, bakery, cosmetics, mini market.
For it to make a successful micro business, you need an idea that has an “x” (yes) for EACH question.

Quick Analysis

  • Is there already a lot of it available?
  • Would there be a market for it , or more of it if it already exists?
  • Who will buy it? How much will they buy? How often will they buy?
  • What is needed to produce it? Make a list of things needed to produce it.
  • List what is needed for production?
    • Estimate expenses: ______
    • Estimate Income: ______
    • Estimate profits: ______
  • Start up costs? What will it cost to get started?
  • How long to get it to market?
  • What will be the most effective and widely accepted sales pitch?
  • Will there still be a market for this in 2 years? 5 years?
  • Will it need to be promoted, or will people just see it, and automatically want to buy it?
  • If it needs promotion, are you willing to learn how to promote things?

Material Costs ______
Selling price for each ______
Other Costs ______
How many sold in a month? ______
Income for month ______

Total Income ______ – Total Costs ______ = Gross Profit ______

Now, Gross Profit – Re-supply costs = Net Profit ______ (amount you actually made for one month)

  • Will this micro business be profitable?



  • DECIDE WHICH ONE worksheet: fill out and add a one line (20 words) explanation to each item.
  • Quick Analysis worksheet: fill out for a microbusiness that you like.
  • Student will deliver a prepared thirty (30) second “ELEVATOR SPEECH” about a project.

*assigned at the end of the weekend.