The Democracy Book

This series is written to teach and inspire children about democracy, rule of law, free enterprise and so on. It is intended to help them see the merits of these institutions so that they will seek to put them into actual practice in their personal and professional lives as they mature. As they grow up to work or create businesses, think about politics, and prepare their own children to take their place in the world, we want them to have the ideas and resources to create a world that is good for all people.

The Democracy Book

18 Key Principles of Democracy

“The Adventures of Nadesh & Petra” Story

Activities to do with Students
Smiling Heart
Jerry Dean Epps, Ph. D.


Dr. Jerry Dean Epps, (Ph. D. in Human Services, M.A. in Sociology, B.A. in education) is a teacher and a counselor. He has taught at the university and elementary levels. He has spent a lifetime teaching in, and devising instructional materials for, various projects that he loves. He has spent time in Latin America and enjoys a passable facility in speaking Spanish. Post 9/11 he searched for ways to make the world a better place for all people. He decided that spreading democracy is a viable way to do that.  Writing this book for school children around the world seemed a reasonable way to start. It is a heart gift to the human family. He lives with his wife in Marietta Georgia, USA, and is active in Spanish activities, counseling and business. He desires for all people to be free!

This book is FREE

The DEMOCRACY BOOK Copyright 2005 Jerry Dean Epps, Ph. D. See below for teachers who are encouraged to freely use this material.

People in all countries may download the book free of charge. Proceeds from book sales in the USA help us promote the series around the globe, especially in the developing world.

This is copyright protected material. You may not sell this book for profit. We encourage you to download it and use it free of charge. The author hopes this book will be used by students all around the world and thus enhance the establishment of democracy, especially in developing countries.

May the children and all people of the world have a better life because this book increased the chance that they will live in a democracy. It will be my great pleasure to know that you used this book. Please send me a note and tell me how you used it and the benefits you think it brought to the students. You can write to the address above or you can send an email from the web site.

Dr. Jerry Dean Epps, the author


Illustrations in this book

All illustrations in this book are the creation of Mark A. Hicks and he is the copyright holder. He has won numerous awards for his various works. At you can see more of his work.  Because of his generous nature he has given permission for me to use his illustrations in this book and for this I am most grateful. I found his illustrations in the Clip Art Image Gallery and wish to express my thanks to them as well for making the images available. My sincere appreciation goes to and to Mark Hicks. The world is a better place because of their contributions.

Start with Principle 1 and it will have a link to Principle 2, so you can read through all 18 Principles.  However, you can also click on any individual Principle to go to there directly.

Principle 1 - Life is better in a liberty valuing constitutional democracy.

Principle 2 - All people are equal.

Principle 3 - Every person is important.

Principle 4 - As long as you don’t hurt others, you can live as you please.

Principle 5 - Decisions are made by vote.

Principle 6 - All adults get one vote.

Principle 7 - The majority vote rules.

Principle 8 - Even those who do not like a law passed by a majority have
to obey it.

Principle 9 - All people get to vote in the elections for the lawmakers and
for the managers.

Principle 10 - Lawmakers and managers are supposed to represent the people, Not themselves.

Principle 11 - There are some basic rights guaranteed to every person. No majority vote can ever take away these rights from the people, even if the majority is very large and the minority is very small.

Principle 12 - Religions cannot say what is law—only the people can say what is law.

Principle 13 - The right to choose the religion one wants to practice is guaranteed by the Supreme Law of the land. Lawmakers cannot tell people what religion to practice.

Principle 14 - The military is under the direction of the elected lawmakers and managers.

Principle 15 - No person or group can make laws unless elected by the people to be lawmakers.

Principle 16 - Private groups can have special practices if they are not against the Supreme Law of the land or the new laws.

Principle 17 - Managers are elected to make decisions and run the operations of the country. They have to do it by the Supreme Law of the land and any new laws made after the Supreme Law was made. Judges make sure managers go by the laws.

Principle 18 - Various political parties express differing political points of view. People support the party of their choice.

Conclusion of Story