Free Democracy Is The Goal

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Free Democracy Is The Goal

The purpose of this website is to provide excellent books for democracy education and free enterprise to children around the world.

These books, and the teacher's manuals, are written for instructing about democracy and free enterprise to school children. We offer the books free of charge, on the The Books page.

How These Books Came About

These books were born out of my deep concern, post 9/11, for how to bring an end to terrorism. Over time the impetus matured to wanting freedom for all people, everywhere. Teaching children about political freedom, financial freedom, and other freedoms is a good way to get there. If children learn how the freedoms actually work in a society they are likely to demand, when they become participating adults, that they have these freedoms in their own societies. It is the principles that enliven the freedoms, and they, not any particular form the principle may be housed in, are what each society will incorporate into its unique culture and history. No particular society’s form of the principles is held to be ideal or correct. Therefore, it is the principles that are taught herein—leaving the forms in which the principles are housed to each society’s unique situation.

It is a truth that democracies usually do not go to war against each other. Why is that? When people are well fed and housed, have plenty of money, are expressing their hearts desires and enjoy political freedom there is little desire to go to war and those citizens usually are not interested in becoming terrorists either. All it takes is for people to demand change. The benefits can be had all around the world! Despots can be replaced by democracy! I offer these books free to teachers around the world in the hope that democracy education and free enterprise will be a part of every school. I want freedom for all people!

 About the Author

Dr. Jerry Dean Epps, (Ph.D. in Human Services, M.A. in Sociology, B.A. in education) is a teacher and a counselor. He has taught at the university and elementary levels. He has spent a lifetime teaching in, and devising instructional materials for, various projects that he loves. He has spent time in Latin America and enjoys a passable facility in speaking Spanish. Post 9/11 he searched for ways to make the world a better place for all people. He decided that democracy education and free enterprise is a viable way to do that. Writing these books for school children around the world seemed a reasonable way to start. It is a heart gift to the human family. He lives with his wife in Marietta, Georgia, USA, and is active in Spanish activities, counseling, and business. He desires for all people to be free!

If you are eager and willing to work hard, I can teach you how to get more money into your life.  I can teach you how to start a micro business.  You can earn more money to improve your life and to improve your community too.  YOU CAN DO IT ! (video #1 in a series of 9 videos)

Dr Jerry Dean Epps teaching importance of small investments in Haiti:


jephoto1_rc.gifDr. Jerry Dean Epps, at his home in Marietta, Georgia USA

For related information, visit Dr. Epps’
Recipe for Hope website.